速報APP / 工具 / QR & Barcode Scanner

QR & Barcode Scanner





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



QR & Barcode Scanner(圖1)-速報App

QR & Barcode Scanner is the fastest QR / barcode scanner out there. QR & Barcode Scanner is an essential app for every Android device.

QR & Barcode Scanner(圖2)-速報App

QR & Barcode Scanner / QR code reader is extremely easy to use; simply point to QR or barcode you want to scan and app will automatically detect and scan it. No need to press any buttons, take photos or adjust zoom.

QR & Barcode Scanner(圖3)-速報App

QR & Barcode Scanner can scan and read all QR / barcode types and many other formats. Turn your phone's camera, into a fast QR code scanner. This barcode/QR reader will automatic decoding. And you can get more detail of the products by using its camera translator.

QR & Barcode Scanner(圖4)-速報App

QR & Barcode Scanner(圖5)-速報App